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21 of July, 12:57

Doubled the number of Russian citizens, ready to recognize the independence LNR and DND
The number of Russian citizens support the idea of recognition DND and LNR, in a few months, grew in 2 times (from 13% to 26%), informs on the first day of the all-Russian centre for the study of the opinions of a large number of citizens (VTSIOM) on the results of the poll.

" for several months in 2 times has become more of those who has to recognize DND and LNR (from 13% in April to 26% in July, S.) ", say sociologists.

VTSIOM emphasizes that 36% of citizens of Russia suggest not to interfere in the situation in the Southeast and not to violate the neutrality, another 15% stand for something to help the republics to stay out of Ukraine, 12% - to take them to Russia.

in addition, social scientists have found that more than a third (35%) uproshenia advocate that Russia has become a mediator in the dialogue of Kiev and South-East, and 30% were in favour of supporting militias. Only one in a hundred proposes to take the side of the Kiev authorities.

The survey conducted in mid-July 1, 6 thousand people in 130 cities of Russia, the statistical error does not exceed 3, 4%.

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