<a href=NEWS.rin.ru'><a href=NEWS.rin.ru'> NEWS.rin.ru 
8 of August, 11:17

Access to Wi-Fi in public areas will be carried out by passport To use public access points in web wireless Wi-Fi connection in Russia will be possible only after the presentation of a passport for identification of the user.

About it it is told at the disposal of the government, signed by Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and published on the government website.

Such has N758 from 31 July 2014, anonymous access to the web in restaurants, metro, parks and other social places prohibited. The operator Wi-Fi access point should provide access to the Internet only after identification of the user.

"Identification is carried out by the operator by the method of the establishment of surname, name, patronymic (if available) of the user, supported by a document confirming the identity", - is told in the document.

Information about the user, including surname, name, patronymic name, requisites of the document confirming the personality, and even information about the size and time of rendering services the operator is required to maintain a minimum of six months.

Clients of the operator under the contract for supply of services will need to provide the operator with the list of persons using the Network connection, and their passport data. The list should be updated at least 1 time per quarter.
sections: Politics, Accidents

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